Travel Tips

Family Holidays: How To Ease The Stress Of Travelling With Kids

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Home » Travel Tips » Family Holidays: How To Ease The Stress Of Travelling With Kids

Travel is back, or seems to be back and we all want to get out with our kids and families, to catch up on all what we have been missing for so long.

children in the flight

I love travelling with family – it is more fun, we get time to spend together and make some beautiful memories. However, while the actual holiday part is fun, sometimes travelling with children can be a stressful experience, especially if you have to fly on a plane. We mentioned some Do’s and Don’ts while travelling with children, and here we are adding to the list – and giving few tips that can help you prepare for your family holiday.

1) Take a toy
Or make your kid choose a toy to play with during the flight. Also, think that this toy may be lost so be sure it’s not one of their favorite ones! This will not only keep the kid busy while playing with the toy but also give you time and space to relax and rejuvenate.
2) Check the time zone you’re traveling to and make your kids go to sleep before/after their usual times one week before your trip. That way, it’ll be easier for them to get used to the new time zone.
travel packing and listing

3) Create A List
One of the first things you will need to do before you travel is to make a list of everything you will need. This list will include things like what you need to pack, timings for the travel, hotel details, and anything else you might need. If you find that you struggle with being organised, then it could be helpful to use an organisational app, as it will help you manage everything you need. Having all your details on hand means you will never have to dig deep to search, when you really need them.

4) Give Yourself Plenty Of Time
Travelling, in general, can be stressful but travelling with children adds a whole other layer of stress. Therefore, you must make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to prepare for your trip. Being organised is the key to a successful and stress-free holiday, so you just need to ensure you have left yourself enough time to sort everything out. The build-up to a holiday is a little chaotic, but as long as you do not leave everything to the last minute, you will be fine.

flying with kids

5) Pack Everything In Advance
Following on from the previous point, giving yourself plenty of time means that you must pack everything in advance. Packing just for yourself can be tricky but having to pack for kids as well can add some more stress onto your plate. So, make sure that you have given yourself enough time to get everyone’s packing sorted and that your kids have some nice clothes to take with them on holiday. boy fishing

6) Make Sure They Are Aware Of The Trip
We all know travelling with kids is stressful for the adult, but it can also be stressful for your children too. So, you need to make sure that you are talking to your kids about the trip so that they know what is going on. Going on a plane could be a scary experience for them, so the best way to prepare for that is by talking to them about it. Teach them all about the process of travelling and what is going to happen at every stage. This way, when they end up getting on the plan, they will feel less nervous as they know what is going on.

7) Bring, in your carry-on, a hooded jacket for your kid.  The weather may turn cold during travel and you wouldn’t want your kid to get sick during vacations.
kids at beach

8) Go for a walk with your children if you get to your destination during the daytime: natural light helps a lot!

Traveling with kids and in the flight is not easy – you ned to prepare well and keep the kids engaged, and at the same time, ensure that they remain healthy. Hope these tips help and that you have a great vacation.

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